Balsamia guozigouensis (L. Fan & Y.Y. Xu) L. Fan & Y.Y. Xu., comb. 2020
MycoBank No: 834963
Holotype: China. Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Huocheng County, Guozigou Forest Park, alt. 1800m, in soil under Picea schrenkiana Fisch. & C.A. Mey., 11 August 2003, W.P. Wu & M. S. Song 060 (HMAS 97107).
Morphological description
Habitat: In soil under Picea schrenkiana Fisch.
Distribution: In China.
GenBank Accession:
Notes: This species is recently described from Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China, under Picea schrenkiana Fisch. & C.A. Mey. So far it is known only from the type locality. Balsamia guozigouensis can be recognized by its distinctly warty ascomata, solid gleba with small and irregular chamber and irregularly clavate asci. Phylogenetically, it was closely related to B. luyashanensis (Fig. 2), but the latter differs in its ascomata with fine warts and gleba without chambers (Xu et al. 2018).
Reference: Yu-Yan Xu1, Xiang-Yuan Yan1, Ting Li1 et al.
Balsamia platyspora (BJTC FAN557) a ascomata b peridium c warts d immature ascus e, f mature ascus g ascospores. Scale bars: 1 cm (a); 100 μm (b, c); 25 μm (d, e, f); 20 μm (g).