
Clavariadelphus alpinus 2020

发布日期:2022-01-05 21:42:27   浏览量 :182
发布日期:2022-01-05 21:42:27  

Clavariadelphus alpinus J. Zhao & L.P. Tang, sp. nov. 2020

MycoBank No: 830258

Holotype China. Yunnan Province: Shangri-la Prefecture, Bita Lake, 24 August 2009, approximately 3700 m elev., B. Feng 667 (HKAS 57396, Holotype).

Morphological description

 Basidiomes up to 12 cm high, 0.9 cm diam. at the base, enlarged upwards to 2 cm diam., simple, initially cylindrical to subcylindrical, then narrowly clavate to clavate, laterally compressed in age; hymenium initially smooth, then longitudinally rugose, light yellow (4A4–5) to yellow or yellowish-orange, apricot-yellow, light orange-yellow (4A6–7) or (5A5–6); apex subacute to obtuse, smooth to rugose, concolorous with the hymenium; surface not staining when cut or bruised; base terete, smooth, white to cream; mycelial hyphae white; flesh initially solid, then soft and spongy upwards as the apex enlarges, white not staining on exposure. Odour and taste not recorded. Spore deposit not recorded.

Hymenium extending over the apex of basidiomata, composed of basidia and leptocystidia. Basidia 65–85 × 8–10 μm, clavate, hyaline, thin-walled, (2–, 3–) 4-spored, sterigmata 8–12 μm in length. Basidiospores [20/1/1] (7.4–) 7.8–9.6 (–10.1) × 5.5 (–5.1)–7.4 μm, = 1.25–1.55 (–1.58), Q= 1.38 ± 0.10, broadly ellipsoid, ovate or amygdaliform, with a small apiculus, inamyloid, thin-walled, hyaline in KOH, smooth. Leptocystidia 45–55 × 2.8–4.2 μm, scattered amongst and scarcely projecting beyond the basidia, cylindrical to narrowly clavate, thin-walled, smooth, hyaline, nonpigmented, clamped, inflated apically at maturity and at times, with apical or subapical branches. Mycelial hyphae 2–4 μm diam., interwoven or aggregated into rhizomorphic strands, branched, clamped; hyphal walls echinulate with light microscopy, covered with massive nipple-shaped protuberances without crystals with SEM.

Habitat: on the ground in forests dominated by conifers

Distribution: SW China, Yunnan Province. Solitary on the ground in forests dominated by conifers (e.g. Abies georgei) at elevations of approximately 3700 m.

GenBank Accession:


Reference: Hong-Yan Huang1,*, Jie Zhao1,*, Ping Zhang2 , et al.

Figure 2. Clavariadelphus species in China. a C. alpinus (HKAS 57396, holotype)

Address: B3-19, School of Pharmacy, Guizhou Medical University, Huaxi University Town, Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, China

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