
Clavariadelphus amplus 2020

发布日期:2022-01-05 21:43:46   浏览量 :190
发布日期:2022-01-05 21:43:46  

Clavariadelphus amplus J. Zhao, L.P. Tang & Z.W. Ge, sp. nov. 2020

MycoBank No: 830271

Holotype China. Gansu Province: Zhouqu Prefecture, under Abies spp., 6 August 2005, X.T. Zhu 728 (HKAS 76577). Qinghai Province: Qilian mountains, 38°6.00'N, 100°7.03'E, alt. 3000 m, 21 August 2004, H.A Wen 4305 (HMAS 132008); same location and date, Q.B. Wang 438 (HMAS 97090). Sichuan Province: Seda Prefecture, Picea-Juniperus forests, 31°43.20'N, 100°43.17'E, alt. 3775–3925 m, 6 August 2005, Z.W. Ge 783 (HKAS 49278); Litang Prefecture, 5 August 2007, Z.W. Ge 1712 (HKAS 53797). Tibet: Linzhi City, 29°20.07'N, 094°18.00'E, alt. 3850 m, 19 July 2004, Y.H. Wang 125 (HMAS 97248); Jilong Prefecture, on the ground in coniferous woods, 12 September 1990, J.Y. Zhuang 3814 (HMAS 59867); Chengdu City, under forests dominated by Picea spp., 31°30.43'N, 097°20.07'E, alt. 3480– 3550 m, 17 August 2004, Z.W. Ge 381 (HKAS 46160); Riwoqe Prefecture, under Picea spp., 31°14.27'N, 096°31.92'E, alt. 3890 m, 12 August 2004, Z.W. Ge 340 (HKAS 46120). Yunnan Province: Shangri-La Prefecture, Haba Snow Mountains, alt. 2800 m, 15 August 2008, L.P. Tang 645 (HKAS 54876, Holotype); Shangri-La Prefecture, 27°28.13'N, 099°25.03'E, alt. 3600 m, 15 August 2008, T.Z. Wei 172 (HMAS 250466).

Morphological description

 Basidiomes up to 15 cm high, 0.5–1 cm diam. at the base, enlarged upwards to 3–7.5 cm diam. near apex; hymenium initially smooth, longitudinally rugulose in age, pruinose, pinkish-orange (7A5–7), paler downwards, greyish-orange (5B4–5); apex initially obtuse or broadly rounded, finally truncate, depressed, surface rugose to rugulose, more or less darker than the hymenium, apricot-yellow (5B6–7) to pink-orange, reddish-orange (7A7–8) or red-orange (7B7–8) at maturity; surface slowly staining light brown or light leather-brown (7D6–7) to brown (7E6–7) when cut or bruised, staining more conspicuously downwards; base simple, terete, nearly smooth, cylindrical to subcylindrical, pruinose; mycelial hyphae interwoven, white; flesh solid initially, then soft and spongy upwards as the apex enlarges, white, slowly staining light leather-brown (7D6–7) to brown (7E6–7) on exposure. Odour pleasant. 

Habitat: on the ground in forests dominated by conifers or mixed conifer forests

Distribution: NW China and SW China, and India. Gregarious habit on the ground in conifer or mixed conifer forests (e.g. Abies spp. and Picea spp.) at elevations ranging from 3000–3950 m.

GenBank Accession:


Reference: Hong-Yan Huang1,*, Jie Zhao1,*, Ping Zhang2 , et al.

Figure 2. Clavariadelphus species in China.) b, c C. amplus (HKAS 54876, holotype) 

Address: B3-19, School of Pharmacy, Guizhou Medical University, Huaxi University Town, Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, China

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