
Squamarina oleosa 2020

发布日期:2022-01-05 21:10:00   浏览量 :177
发布日期:2022-01-05 21:10:00  

Squamarina oleosa (Zahlbr.) Poelt.2020

MycoBank No: 

Holotype Lecanora oleosa Zahlbr., in Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sinic. 3: 175 (1930) (Basionym) Type: China, Yunnan Province, Lijiang Co., Mt. Yulongxueshan, on rock, 1914, Heinrich Frh. von Handel-Mazetti 3576 (W–holotype!)

Morphological description 

Thallus placodioid to subfoliose, rather closely attached to calcareous rocks, olive-green turning to yellowish-brown in the herbarium, up to 8 cm across and 5 mm high in the centre; lobes 2–4 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm wide, ca. 1 mm thick, apices usually detached from the substrate with a white thickened edge; upper surface pruinose at least on the margins, matt to somewhat shiny, centrally cracked and faveolate-wrinkled, strongly convex, giving the thallus centre a bullate appearance, the base of the bullae carbonised, black; lower surface covered with pale brown to blackish-brown pulvinate hyphae, with sparse to numerous rhizinose strands; rhizinose strands brown to black, irregularly branched, up to 5 mm long. Upper cortex filled with yellowish-brown granules, turning colourless in KOH, 62–75 μm high, without epinecral; algal layer continuous, 65–70 μm thick; medulla filled with grey crystals of calcium oxalate and brick-red hyphae in lower part; lower cortex lacking.

Habitat: on rock

Distribution: Growing on rock at elevations of 2623–3440 m. Only known from Yunnan Prov., China.

GenBank Accession: nrITS  MK904892\ MK904893\ MK904894 nrLSU MN904896\ MN904897\MN904898 RPB1na\MN923189\MN923190 RPB2 MN923191\MN923192 \MN923193 mtSSUMN915135\MN911318\MN915136

Notes: The holotype grows on calcareous rock and bears only one apothecium.

Reference: : Zhang Y-Y, Wang X-Y, Li L-J, Printzen C, Timdal E, Niu D-L, Yin A-C, Wang S-Q, Wang L-S (2020) Squamarina (lichenised fungi) species described from China belong to at least three unrelated genera. MycoKeys 66: 135–157. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.66.39057

Figure 5. Lecanora chondroderma (A, B KUN-L 18-60317): A habit B apothecial anatomy (LCB) and ascospores (water). Squamarina kansuensis (C–G KUN-L 18-59601): C habit D apothecial anatomy (LCB) e ascus and ascospores (LCB) F apical structure of ascus (Lugol’s) G section of thallus (LCB). S. oleosa (h, i KUN-L 09−30043): h habit i ascus and ascospores (water). Scale bars: 100 μm (B-apothecia, D); 5 μm (B-ascospores, F); 10 μm (e); 20 μm (G); 25 μm (i).

Address: B3-19, School of Pharmacy, Guizhou Medical University, Huaxi University Town, Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, China

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