
Graphostroma guizhouensis 2021

发布日期:2024-04-07 19:52:59   浏览量 :169
发布日期:2024-04-07 19:52:59  

Graphostroma guizhouensis Q.R. Li, sp. nov. 2021

MycoBank number: MB 840,078

Holotype: GMB0219.

Morphological description

Sexual morph: Stromata black, widely eff used, irregular in outline, black, up to 3 cm in length, con taining two layers. Ectostroma brown to black, crust, carbo naceous, easily separated, with cracks, without clear ostioles. Entostroma cracked, with a layer of ostioles on the surface, perithecia embedded. Ostioles crater-like, central. Perithecia 285–322 × 175–234 μm (av. = 302 × 198 μm), bottle-shaped, pyriform with a neck, with a hyaline wall. Paraphyses not observed. Asci 25–39 × 3.5–6 μm (av. = 31.5 × 5 μm), 8-spored, unitunicate, clavate, short-stalked, rounded at apex, with a non-amyloid ring in the apical apparatus. Ascospores 6–7.5 × 1–1.5 μm (av. = 6.8 × 1.4 μm), one celled, colorless, reniform, equilateral, rounded ends, with out germ slit.

Asexual morph: Not observed on the surface of stromata and PDA medium.

Culture characteristics:


Distribution: China

GenBank Accession:

Notes: We would like to propose a new species of Graphostroma , although Graphostroma guizhouensis shows similar morphological features with G. platystomum . Multi gene phylogenetic tree shows that G. guizhouensis forms a branch distinct from G. platystomum . Moreover, a com parison of the ITS region DNA sequence data between G. guizhouensis and G. platystomum (CBS 270.87, type mate rial of G. platystomum ) revealed base pair diff erences of 7% which supports also the establishment of G. guizhouensis as a new taxon (Jeewon and Hyde 2016 ). We speculate that Graphostroma platystomum should be a group containing some cryptic species. Their morphological characteristics are very similar, but their DNA sequences are quite diff erent. And DNA sequences should be a main diagnostic feature for the genus of Graphostroma .

Reference: [1] Li, Q. ,  Gong, X. ,  Zhang, X. ,   Pi, Y. ,  Long, S. , &  Wu, Y. , et al. (2021). Phylogeny of graphostromatacea with two new species (biscogniauxia glaucae sp. nov. and graphostroma guizhouensis sp. nov.) and new record of camillea broomeana isolated in china. Archives of microbiology, 203(10), 6119-6129.

Graphostroma guizhouensis. (GMBC0219, holotype) a Mate rial. b The inner layer of stromata c The outer layer of stromata. d The stromata on the surface of unknown plant. e Cross-section of ascomata (inner layer of stromata). f Longitudinal section of asco mata (inner layer of stromata) g Ascus apex with a non-amyloid ring in Melzer’s reagent. h-k Asci with ascospores. l-q Ascospores. Scale bars: g-q = 10 μm.

Address: B3-19, School of Pharmacy, Guizhou Medical University, Huaxi University Town, Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, China

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