Candolleomyces subminutisporus T. Bau & J.Q. Yan, sp. nov.2021
MycoBank No: 839232
Holotype: China. Henan Province: Boerdeng National Forest Park, Xinyang City, 16 July 2017, Tolgor Bau and Jun-Qing Yan, HMJAU37801 (holotype!).
Morphological description
Sexual morph: Pileus 8.0–22 mm, spreading hemispherically to broadly conical convex, hygrophanous, pale yellow-brown at the centre, pale at the margin, striate from margin to centre, becoming pale brown when dry. Veil present in early stages, thin, white, fibrillose, evanescent. Context thin and very fragile, 1.0–1.5 mm thick at the centre, same colour as the pileus. Lamellae 2.5 3.0 mm wide, adnate, moderately close, white to pale coffee, edges saw-toothed under 20× magnification. Stipes 15–40 mm long, 1.0–2.0 mm thick, cylindrical, hollow, white, sometimes subhyaline or slightly yellow-brown at the base, apex pruinose, evanescent, slightly expanded at the base. Odour and taste indistinct.
Spores 5.8–6.8(7.8) × 3.8–4.9 μm, Q = 1.4–1.8, ovoid, ellipsoid to oblong ellipsoid, in profile flattened on one side, rarely phaseoliform, inamyloid, smooth, very pale, nearly hyaline in water and 5% KOH, germ pore absent. Basidia 14–20 × 7.3–7.8 μm, 4-spored, clavate, hyaline. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia 20–32 × 11–17 μm, utriform, with obtuse apex, bottom side tapering to the long or short stipe. Caulocystidia 27–42 × 6.1–9.8 μm, present at the apex, mostly solitary, various, simi lar to cheilocystidia or clavate and subcapitate or not. Trama of gills irregular. Pileipellis consists of 1–2 cells in a deep layer of the subglobose cell, up to 36 μm broad.
Asexual morph: Undetermined
Culture characteristics:
Habitat: Scattered on rotten wood or humus in Pinus massoniana and oak forests.
Distribution: China
GenBank Accession:
ITS MW301066; LSU MW301094; β-Tub MW314065; tef-1α MW314083
ITS MW301067; LSU MW301095; β-Tub MW314066; tef-1α MW314084
Reference: [1] Bau, T. , & Yan, J. Q. . (2021). Two new rare species of candolleomyces with pale spores from china. MycoKeys, 80, 149-161.
Basidiomata and microscopic features of Candolleomyces subminutisporus a–c Basidiomata d spores e basidia f pileipellis g cheilocystidia h caulocystidia. Scale bars: 10 mm (a–c); 10 μm (d–h).